Summer is in full swing, and the hot and stickiness of it all has finally arrived. It's the perfect time to figure out some activities to keep you and your partner occupied, while still maintaining that skin-to-skin contact for which you yearn.
There's nothing better than getting to spend some quality time with your significant other. I know this, because my hubby works long hours and even on the weekends. I often think to myself, "What kind of memories am I able to make with someone who is hardly ever around?" I'm not playing the woe is me card, believe me. What I'm saying is simple: Treasure the time you do have with one another and make it worthwhile.
Now's the perfect time to take advantage of some great active opportunities that leave you both touching all day (yay!) and creating awesome memories. Aside from staying in bed all day and getting it on, which admittedly is also awesome, there are tons of other things you guys can do together that still keep you close.
Lay on the hood of your car, side by side, and stare up at the countless number of stars in the sky.
Go out rollerblading and hold hands the entire time.
Take a bubble bath together.
Take turns giving each other different kinds of massages, from face and feet to shoulders and back.
Find the nearest fair (there are tons of them in the summer!) and go on the Ferris wheel. If you're feeling frisky, reenact the scene from Fear.
Set up a tent in the backyard (or nearby camping site) and share the same sleeping bag overnight.
Head for the hills and go out for a hike. It's a great way to create a challenge that you both have to overcome.
Volunteer together at a local shelter or something bigger like Habitat for Humanity.
Redeem that Groupon you forgot you purchased and finally take those ballroom (or salsa) lessons you paid for.
Rental cars are not too expensive nowadays. How about you guys head over and splurge on a convertible, and take a beautiful scenic drive. Keep the car all day to be able to enjoy the sunset later at night (and maybe even the aforementioned stargazing suggestion).
Take a trip to the local thrift store, head to a flea market, or browse local garage sales and create your very own DIY project.
Whether you have to mow the lawn, plant some flowers, water the grass or rake the leaves, you should never feel like it's a chore. Doing these things together puts the responsibility on the both of you as a couple and doing things as a team gets the job done faster.
Figure out a dish that you're craving for dinner and spend the day picking out ingredients for it (farmers markets are always the best!). Come home and follow the recipe, working hand in hand to go through each step of the instructions. Bonus points for a non-beginner recipe.
Some days, you just want to sit around and do absolutely nothing but cuddle, watch TV/movies and just eat your face off. Good for you. Do this naked?— or do this wearing PJs. But however you do it, stay close the entire time.
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