A new study by Indiana University reveals a lot about a man's penis size.
How does your man measure up when it comes to his business downstairs? Until now, you had to either compare notes with your girlfriends or do your own "research."
No need for that anymore. A new study of 1,661 men finds that the average penis size is 5.6 inches with a 4.6-inch girth while aroused. For the study, which was published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Indiana University's Debby Herbenick asked participants to measure their penis length and girth and submit the numbers online.
The results? Common "predictors" of penis size?— race and sexual orientation — are myths. Also surprising: Not all erections are created equal. According to researchers, men who achieved an erection through oral sex reported a bigger penis size than those who got aroused through fantasizing.
"The average penis size is 5.6 inches.""We don't know if that means that when men have oral sex that it's more arousing and they get a bigger erection, or means that men who have bigger penises could be getting more oral sex in the first place," Herbenick told LiveScience.
Naturally, there are outliers in the study. The smallest penis came in at 1.6 inches, the longest at 10.2 inches.
Next up for researchers: measuring women's genitalia size.
"It would be good for women to have good data to show, 'Hey, there's a lot of diversity for women's genitals, just like there are for men's,'" Herbenick said.
Do you think the study got the real story on average penis size? Sound off below!
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