2013年7月30日 星期二

25 Ways to date smarter now

Couples on dates

Dating can be a complicated matter, but we want to make things easier for you. That's why we're sharing our best tips for how to date smarter and in a way that works better for you.


If you don't know what you're looking for, how do you ever expect to find it? Think long and hard about the type of person that will truly make you happy.

As above, if you don't know what you don't want in in your life, how will you avoid it? Make a list of some of the traits you know won't jive with your lifestyle or personality?— and avoid them.

It's easy to start worrying about never meeting “the one,” but that's just going to cause major stress that might cause you to jump into a relationship that isn't right. Remember that you deserve to be happy, which doesn't involve settling for a guy you're only partially interested in.

Dating can be daunting, but in order to improve your chances of meeting someone great, you need to be brave. Ask that guy out, tell someone you love them, put yourself out there?— even though it can be scary.

Just because all the guys you've dated have been artists or tall or quiet or blond, doesn't mean Mr. Right will have any of your go-to traits. Try a new flavor on for size just to see what happens.

The more fun you have (even on a date you know is going nowhere), the better your dating experience will be overall.

If you see yourself falling into a dating rut (only dating guys who seem to take you for granted) put a stop to it. Repeating the same mistakes will get you nowhere.

One of the best ways to get out of a dating rut is to take a break from dating, work on yourself and start again with a clear head and a more positive attitude.

Work on becoming the best person you can be in order to attract the best types of people and people who will make you happy.

Boost your own confidence and increase the possibilities of meeting someone great by trying something new: Take a class, join a team or volunteer.

We all want to meet our love match, but it doesn't always happen exactly when you want it to. Don't pressure yourself to meet and marry someone (anyone). You'll just end up with the wrong guy.

Don't rely on someone else to make you happy. The right person will ensure you stay happy, but you need to know how to make yourself happy first.

View the original article here

