2013年8月7日 星期三

Is Marital Happiness a Choice?

Today so many marriages end in break up. Do people expect more from their partners than they are willing to give? Are happy marriages a matter of option?

Every honeymoon ends and the spouses are compelled to face the reality. They have to make the marriage work.

What constitutes a marriage?

In the advanced countries, about half of the marriages end in break up. The spouses suffer disappointment very soon and they along with the children, if any, are shattered for the remaining years.

But marriage should not end this way. One can make a marriage happy by choosing to do so. One can start following the way to marital happiness one any day. Happier marriages come out of correct choices.

Finding out own faults:

When a couple gets divorced, they often blame each other for the breakup. Each of them believes that it was not his or her fault. Some of them think that the other spouse did not communicate properly and the other spouse was the one who was wrong. The hidden differences actually result in the crack in the relationship.

But nobody is really interested in finding out his or her own faults which have resulted in the break up. Try to find out your own faults so that the worst situation can be avoided.

Choosing own way of life:

Life is a composition of choices. Some of them create panic and disagreement while others make us happier. Our experiences are results of the decisions we make regularly.

Choosing a happy married life:

Happy marriages are directly related to how much the spouses give access to God to enter into their relationship. God is the supreme authority for the institution of marriage. God is the one who has the keys to a happy married life.

Marital problems arise when people think that human beings have created marriage for their convenience.

Human beings always want to please themselves, as such opt for the fix rapidly. Many people shorten the process of choosing in case of their marriages due to selfishness. By abstaining from being selfish, one can make a marriage happier.

Choices give results:

Choices in marriage result in good or bad results. Making the right choice in a marriage relationship should be synonymous. We have the freedom of choice and God has given us the opportunity to make choices. So one should choose a life where he can survive.

Essence of a good married relation:

In a happy marriage, both spouses surrender themselves before each another. None does it perfectly, but the right intention is necessary. When mutual surrender is present in case of both spouses, peace and prosperity prevail in the marriage.

One should choose not to change the partner. When someone decides to get married, they never think about changing their partners as they are involved with one other. But with time sometimes this attitude gets changed.

One needs to choose to serve the spouse. One should lay emphasis on doing something productive for his or her partner so that the marriage can survive.

View the original article here

