2013年8月7日 星期三

Are You a Failure in Love? Try these 5 Tips Now!

Right from the time we're teens, we're bound to come across many relationships as we move forward in our lives. A hand full of them will be pleasant and long lasting; the rests, sadly, may be unpleasant or short period.

Let's ask yourself this: Am I attracting more negative relationships than they are positive? Of course, all of us would love to be in relationships that are stable, strong and happy (ever after). But, we at times, end up just the opposite. Don't you love to attract more positive relationships with the possibility of further development? The good news is, YES, you can!

Try some of these simple tips to attract more positive relationships:

1. Patience. Beautiful relationships just don't happen overnight. They need time to nurture and develop into one that's strong and long lasting. To embrace these relationships into your life, you must have lots of patience to see them grow.

If you're in a relationship that you think is a positive one, a big mistake you may make is rushing into it - so don't ever do that. The best bet is to take it slow and easy and you'll be pleasantly surprised to see the positive result along the way.

2. Believe that you're good enough for it. Always have a positive mindset and discard any negative thoughts or perceptions that you've about yourself. Recognize the fact that you're good enough and deserving to have happy and stable relationships in your life.

If you can't stop thinking about yourself in a negative manner, chances are you may have an inferior complex issue. Learn how to overcome this and regain your self-confidence, over time. You can do it, if you believe you can!Be mindful that positive attracts positive and when you think positively, the end result will likewise be positive.When you start emanating positive energy to those around you, you'll ultimately attract positive relationships into your life. Try to be a role model to your friends, and more importantly, to the person you've the intention to attract!

3. Be truthful to yourself and others. If you're not true to yourself, irrespective of whether you like it or not, others will be able to tell right away. Never pretend to be something that you're not; this is certainly not the way to show others who you're. Besides, this may just backfire on you.

By truthfulness, also means showing others your true self, plus any flaws that you may have. This way, you'll gain more respect and trust from others and they'll be more willing to form a stronger relationship with you.Be real to others and allow them to see the real person in you including your true feelings. Trying too hard to behave like someone else could only bring you more harm to your reputation.

4. Don't take relationships for granted. Make it a point to "renew" the relationships you current have every now and then by meeting up for chats or other social gatherings. It's quite common to find that relationship even amongst the best of friends tend to go apart after not meeting one another for a long time. Cherish all the relationships you now have and continue to attract positive ones.

By demonstrating your gratitude in a genuine manner, you'll be better able to attract positive relationships.

5. Be honest. If you're currently in a negative relationship, this will hinder any positive relationships from coming your way. You'll need to be honest with yourself as well as be fair to the other party. You've two choices here, either make a joint effort to improve it or just go your separate ways.

- Honesty is the best policy, as this will put you in a better position to attract more positive and worthy relationships to enter your life.

Attracting positive relationships and discarding those that are negative ones are by no mean simple, but it'll make life better and more fulfilling for you. As the adage goes, "Nothing worth having in life comes easily."

View the original article here

