2013年6月18日 星期二

Things That Can Turn You Out To Be Intolerant In A Relationship

When you like a person, you tend to like almost everything in him. However, there are some people who have their own set of "likes and dislikes" which make them a more tolerant person than before and there could be certain things which grow the "intolerance" in a person.

Many of us define the criteria beyond which we may tend to lose our patience and get "intolerant". Some of these traits are:


You may tolerate every possible error coming from your partner, but when it comes to "infidelity" you may lose all your patience. In fact many spouses or partners would never be tolerant about the fact that their beloved is holding someone else in his arms or is entangled in others' arms.


You may prefer to hear the hardest truth with a smile on your face, but you may not be able to tolerate a small lie coming from the most important relationship in your life.

The physical weight

Sometimes there are some people who have always dreamt about their spouse being in shape lifelong. For some reasons or the other like, post pregnancy, or after recovering out of an ailment when the souse gains weight the other partner may get intolerant about this gain.


If you find you partner to be over-religious your tolerance level may swipe off the window.


Sometimes, one of the partners is a light eater, whereas the other one could be too fond of eating. You may go easy with it initially, but a time will come when your tolerance reaches its last limit.


Some people are quite punctual, when they see their partner never getting ready on time, either for the office or for going to a party then, you may get intolerant about the same.

Not wanting children

You desperately need a child in your life; unfortunately your partner doesn't, because he or she is not ready to take the responsibility at this point of time. You are sure to get intolerant about it when you have expressed your desire to your partner and the same has been let down.

Not wanting to socialize

You really want to have a large social group whereas, your spouse doesn't, this would lead to a difference in thought and after much of your efforts if you see your partner not changing the attitude, you may get intolerant.

Not helping in the daily chores

When you go on handling the daily chores, day in and day out without your partner even realizing that you need hi help, quite early you are likely to lose your patience and get intolerant about the whole affair.


Intolerance in a relationship never comes in day or two, unless the person basically doesn't have much of patience. In most of the cases, a tolerant person turns out to "intolerant" only after a prolonged period of test and trial he or she undergoes from his spouse.

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