2013年6月24日 星期一

How To Keep Healthy Relationship?

Healthy loving relationship is a divine gift. All over the globe people are running behind this. Healthy relationship is like an asset to any man's life. The man who has everything like money, friends, popularity but not a healthy relationship has actually nothing. He is not satisfied indeed. People are so curious about what are the key factors of a healthy relationship?

Here are the main key factors:

Giving and taking: No relationship can be healthy if it is a selfish relationship. If you think things have to be on your side always then nothing good will be achieved. Knowing your partners demand and do accordingly can give you the place to expect. Then your partner will also respect and recognize your side. Little bit positive compromise can build an extraordinary relationship. You will sure get your expectation from your partner fulfilled when you will be trying to fulfill your partner's.O Communication:Communication is the basic need of a healthy relationship. No relationship can be well without strong communication. Communication gap can make a quite distance between each like when you are filling stressed and depressed your partner can not give you any support if there is a lack of communication. Communication could be of many types. Whenever you are at office you can just send your partner a sms saying miss you or asking what are you doing? Again simply a hug or kiss can also build a great communication. You just have to understand your partner's choice an o according to this to build a great communication.

Physical Interaction: Physical interaction is so needed for a healthy relationship. It is now scientifically proved that how important a strong and proper guided physical intimacy for maintaining a strong relationship. For example an affectionate touch can increase the amount of Oxytocin a hormone responsible of bonding. Some persons think that only intercourse is the mean of physical intimacy but they are wrong because kissing, holding hands, hugging, affectionate touch are also great mans of showing or increasing intimacy.

Spending Quality time together:Recent days all the persons are so much busy that they cannot manage time to spend time together. This can create gap and ruin a relationship. Children and their study, office, business friends can make it difficult to make time for each other. But making quality time for each other is not a hard task. It can be one even by telling everyday at least five times I love you or something like this. There are several ways to spend quality times with each other like at least spend five minutes together daily anyhow, trying some new restaurants or movies at the weekend, having dinner together, try not to do office work at home etc.

Ups and down: There can be ups and down in a relation naturally. Sometimes relate to each other could be problem for so many things like death of any person or sudden financial crisis or excessive work pressure or excessive unbearable costs etc. These conditions are enough to create stress and a fatigue in any relationship. But anyone can easily protect this situation and has the key at him/herself. Some advises are :

1. Control your anger: Stresses or impressions or problems bring anger most of the time to any person. This anger can cross its limit and can affect your partner also. First of all you have to have the other means to control it like hearing music, watching movies or like going out for a walk.

2. Do not try to impose your problems on your partner: Some people try to get release from their messy conditions by imposing this on their partners. But this could not give great result in the long run. You can share your problems with your partner and try to make a solution together. You have to think that your partner is the best support of your life. So in your messy situation your partner is the light of your path.

3. Try to see problems as a possibility: If any problem rises in a relationship then try to ignore this. Together any couples can overcome a lot of problems. Problems are the field of working together.

Relationship can be the most valuable wealth in a man's life if it is healthy. A little bit concern can keep a healthy relationship. If the health of a romantic relationship remains significant to you in needs your close attention and observation.

Having healthy relationship is so important.Learning can make this possible to keep a long term healthy relatonship.

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